Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Weekend w/ Grandma & Grandpa

I went away for the weekend with my girlfriends and Cameron stayed with Grandma and Grandpa. He had a blast and so did I...it was good for both of us. He thought it was so cool to have a car seat in Grandma's car. He got to go shopping, to the park, out to eat, out for ice cream (more than one time), etc., etc. Now we are back at home and in our normal routine again. I worked today and came home and Cameron was ready to go. We were on the way to the Library downtown and I was getting ready to turn right on Meridian and he told me to turn left. Little stinker knows where the museum is. So I asked him if he wanted to go to the library and he said "num" (no for Cameron) and then I asked if he wanted to go to the museum today and he said "yeah, yeah" (yes for Cameron). Too funny...so we went to the museum.

Cameron with Grandma

Cameron with little Vincent

Mom with her friends at dinner.

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