Sunday, August 15, 2010

Our night time routine...

Well, now that Cameron is a little older I would have expected that it would be EASIER and quicker to get him to bed...not this little guy. He has become quite the procrastinator, he practically talks me into just about anything. He likes to put his tent over his bed and play in it for a bit. Once I say that it needs to come down, he wants to read books in the dark with his flashlight on and he also likes his trains and cars to listen to the books. Tonight, I only read to Cameron, Thomas and Bertie, but usually he has quite the line up to read a book. He is such a character! You can't really tell, but all these pics were taken in the dark...Cameron doesn't look too tired does he? And it was after 11 pm!

After I told Cameron to close his eyes and go night, night...stinker!

Reading his favorite "Rainbow Fish" book

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