Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas 2010

Asleep at last...
Santa delivered some special packages for Cameron
Merry Christmas!
Checking out the new house for his trains
Just what I wanted!
This looks like a good movie
Jumping on my new trampoline!
My new scooter
Thanks Joey!

Friday, December 24, 2010

The night before Christmas...

We are all getting ready for Santa to come tonight! Cameron left Santa some homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and carrots for the reindeer. Earlier in the day he said that he wanted to leave them all coffee to drink, but he changed his mind and we left them some juice. He also taste tested the cookies and the carrots...and he approved!

I think they will like their treats
Cookies are good...
Carrots are good too...
I can't believe Santa is finally coming!

Merry Xmas to my family in NW Indiana!

We wish we could have made it home to see everyone, but Santa Claus had more snow in the forecast and we had to be home for the big day tomorrow. We are at home watching Frosty the Snowman in front of a warm fire. Cameron was out late today and took a nap from 4 - 6:30 and woke up CRABBY! We will have to get him ready for a good night of sleep so he wakes up extra happy tomorrow morning for his big surprise! Here are a few pics I took of him and Andy tonight (I had to bribe them both)! The last one was a picture of him sleeping in his room...he doesn't want to sleep in his bed anymore, so if it looks like he is on the floor...he really is!

Cameron & Dee
Merry Christmas!
Cameron sleeping in his palace!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

My little Snow Buddies!

Cameron and Andy had a blast playing in the snow. Cameron is really into the movie "Snow buddies" right now. It is about a little boy who races dogs. One of the main dogs is Shasta and he was calling himself Shasta today...I guess because he was out in the snow. It was too funny! The things that go through the mind of a 2 year old. I had so much fun chasing Cameron and Andy around in the snow. They both had so much fun!

Hi Mom!
Come on Dee
Not sure what they see
Snow buddies
Andy with his coat and boots on...poor Dee
Action shot of my puppy!
Love you Dee!


Cameron was supposed to be taking nap...I looked in his monitor and he wasn't in his bed. No big deal. There are a lot of days where he just gets out of bed and lays on the floor. He had only been in there for about 45 min. so I just figured he was on the floor. Wrong! I heard some noises in there, but still couldn't see him in the monitor...well this is why! He climbed up on his toy box and was looking out the window. This is how I found him! Luckily my camera was on his dresser.

Notice the 2 little legs under the curtains?
Oh, here I am Mommy!
One of Cameron's favorite past times...Coloring!
Just being silly! (Lots of layers from playing in snow)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Cameron's Xmas craft project

This little project took a lot longer than I had planned, but it was lots of fun and I'm sure it will be around for years to come!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

A visit with Santa!!!

Well, today was the big day! We've been talking about Santa for weeks now and today we went to see him! Cameron picked out his own outfit...he had several to choose from and he went with the red and white, just like Santa. I honestly didn't think Cameron would sit on his lap, but he did and with no tears! What a big boy! I know he was so nervous. He didn't talk the whole way could just tell that his little mind was racing. Busy thinking about what he was going to say, was he going to like him, etc., etc.

We got there and he stood in line, again pretty quiet and wasn't his crazy self. It was his turn and he started to walk up and then wanted Lonnie to pick him up, I thought that was it. I thought that was as close as he was going to get. But Lonnie sat him in Santa's lap and he stayed. Santa started asking him if he wanted cars, trains and specifically named Thomas and Percy. Cameron's eyes lit up, knowing that Santa some how knew about these things that he loved! Cameron froze, not saying a word the whole time, but Santa kept him very interested, saying all the right things. He was so cute and was so proud of himself afterwards.

Another day to remember...looking forward to Christmas morning!

How do I look Mommy?
Ok, I think I'm ready to go!
Feeling a little nervous
Don't leave me Daddy
He likes what he is hearing from Santa
Still hanging in there...
Such a brave little tears!
Did you get it all Santa?
A celebration slide after Santa with Daddy
I did it!

Cameron's 1st Pacer game

We took Cameron to the Pacer game Friday night. Lonnie got suite tickets, so we took Cameron. He had lots of fun! Didn't pay much attention to the game, but had lots of snacks and had fun just running around and taking everything in. Now he wants to go to a Colts game! We'll see...maybe Santa will come up with some tickets!

Right before the start of the game
What's the score guys?
Not a care in the world!
Checking out the HUGE basketball at Conseco

Monday, December 6, 2010

Just some silly pics!

I had just changed Cameron's diaper and we were getting ready to go out for a bit to look at Christmas lights. Cameron ran to put his boots on without any pants! He loves his Thomas boots!


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