Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 2...Cameron's 1st day at the BEACH!

Cameron just loved the beach. He couldn't wait to get there. He was way too cute! He loved the sand, was not afraid of the cold water and just couldn't get enough of any of it. We had to drag him away! And that's all he talked about after we left. We spent the morning at the beach, park, on the fishing pier, etc. Mom needed coffee so we left the beach around 1 and went to Starbucks and out for lunch. Cameron could not keep his eyes opened at lunch...he was drifting off. We went back to our condo and he slept for a bit. We went out to dinner and he wanted to go back to the beach but it was way too cold so we just walked around outside, stopped at some shops, played with shells etc. It was a fun-filled day for Cameron!

Seeing the beach for the first time!

Walking in the sand
Getting in the water
Found a swing!
Sharing a snack with his friend Natalia ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ....

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