Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cameron's NEW bed!

A big day for Cameron! He has a new bed and he took his nap in it yesterday for the first time! We still have his crib in his room, I thought it would be better to have a gradual transition. But he did really good! He wanted to go in his crib at night. So maybe we will just do naps right now in his Thomas bed. It is so cute! I think he thought it was just one big toy box until we dropped the mattress in. :)

We switched bedroom themes because the Lightning McQueen bed arrived damaged (from UPS). I had to send it back, they had to file a claim with Toys R Us, etc., etc., etc. So in the mean time I was posting some things on Craigslist and found the Thomas bed for a reasonable price. We went to take a look at it on Saturday and it was in EXCELLENT shape. No scratches or anything. So we bought Thomas (another of Cameron's favorites)!

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