Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!!!

A perfect Mother's Day! My little guy spoiled me at school on Friday for Mom's Spa day. He made me cookies, brought me drinks, painted my nails, planted me a sunflower, made me a magnet, sang me songs. It was perfect! I loved spending the day with him at school! We did miss Mrs. Morris. She's been gone all week since she started her treatments for lung cancer. Cameron prays for her everyday and assures us all that she will be ok. He told me she's going to fight like a snake!
And today, Lonnie and Cameron went to Starbucks first thing in the morning to get me coffee. Later Cameron gave me a card he made for me. It was from him and Andy and he also picked out some flowers for me. My mom also was able to visit for the afternoon. We all had a nice visit. And now it's Sunday night and we are ready to start another week! Happy Mother's Day!!!

Cameron with Grandma and his BUGS!

So proud!!!

He is the best cookie maker!!!!!!!

Cameron & Mrs. Lavender

So sweet!!!

Cameron & Mrs. Stamper

My beautiful rainbow nails!


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