Sunday, April 7, 2013

Birthday pics from school!

#5 birthday cookies!

Adorable kiddos!

Happy Birthday!

Cameron's 5th birthday!!!

My little boy is 5 years old now. Boo! He is getting so big. Cameron had his birthday party with his friends at Recreation Unlimited. He wanted a "snake" cake. Ewww! But it turned out cute. The party was a ton of fun. All of his preschool pals are so sweet. I'm going to miss their little group next year. Luckily we had Cameron's birthday party a few days before his actual birthday because he was so sick on his birthday. He slept through most of the day. He had a fever and his skin was so bad. I think at that point he was sick because his skin was infected. A few days after his birthday though we started seeing a new dermatologist and he has been much better. 
Grandma and Cameron

Group picture!

Wyatt, Cameron and Hadley = CUTE!

Happy Birthday Cameron!

Make a wish!

Snake cake

Conor, Cameron, Ethan and Devin


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