Sunday, March 17, 2013

Misc. Christmas season 2012

This year we wanted to take Cameron to the Yuletide Celebration at the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra. We went with Cameron's best buddy Ethan and our friends Travis and Lisa. The boys had such a great time, we did too. It was such a special day. We also went to dinner downtown afterwards. I think we started a new tradition.
We also enjoyed dinner and gifts with our old neighbors and friends, Steff, Chris & Ella. Cameron loves little Ella!
And lastly are some pics of Cameron & Lonnie attempting a gingerbread house. Everything looks good in the pics, but the gingerbread house would not stay together. So I think we will try a different kind next year. :)
Best buds

Xmas 2012
Travis, Lisa & Ethan

Ella & Cameron

Gingerbread house 101

Jolly Days at the Children's Museum

Christmas at the Children's Museum is always a fun time. I think we only made it one time this season, but we were there all day with Ethan and Lily! Cameron and Ethan even did karaoke! They sang jingle bells and it was adorable! The kids also got to enjoy designing their own car in the hot wheels exhibit!
Ethan & Cameron getting ready to sing!

Cameron, Lily & Ethan on the alligator

Cutest little grocery store workers

Checking out all the cars

Singing their little hearts out

Hot wheels designers at work!


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