Friday, November 16, 2012

Thanksgiving at school!

Today was "feast day" at school! Such a fun day for the kids! They have been discussing thankfulness. It's so cute to hear the things the kids are thankful for. They also learned about the Pilgrims and why they came to the new world and about the Native Americans and how they taught the Pilgrims how to live and grow food. The kids made Pilgrim and Native American hats for today!
I was excited to spend the day at school! The moms got to help the kids make corn muffins and pumpkin pies and just spend the day with them in the classroom! They also popped popcorn, told stories and sang beautiful songs.
"Swift Runner" (his Native American name)

Making corn muffins
Listening to stories

Feast for the kids!


Singing their little hearts out!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Halloween 2012

Halloween was lots of fun this year! Cameron was super excited! He had lots of surprises at his table when he woke up in the morning. He was a little too excited at school, just looking forward to his fun night. Our friends Lisa & Travis and their kiddos (Ethan, Lily and Jack) came over to go trick or treating. It was pretty cold out, so we were only out for about 30 minutes. But Cameron and Ethan really had fun handing out candy at the house and playing! It was a great night and everyone had a blast!!!
Ready for school!
So many choices!
 So cute!!!
 Cameron & Andy!
 Lily, Ethan & Cameron...ready to trick or treat!


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