Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Cameron has had to think about dying the past few weeks. Fortunately, just with animals we've encountered outside. First it was a chipmunk by a pond in our neighborhood about 2 weeks ago. I'm not sure what happened to him, but Cameron found him laying on his back with all 4 legs sticking straight up, he was clearly gone. Cameron thought he was taking a nap and I said, no he died and he is in heaven. He looked so confused, how could he be in heaven if we were looking right at him? Then this weekend, Lonnie picked up a lil frog and put it in his bug box. He played with it for a bit, brought it to his room for his nap and shortly after Cameron woke up the frog took one last jump & died. He was so upset about the frog, cried hard and everything. Then last night he told me "he wanted me to live here forever". I was in the kitchen making dinner so I thought he meant in this house. So I said where am I going? He said I don't want you to go to heaven yet! So then he finds a baby bird alone in the grass during our walk last night. So tiny and fragile. I told Cameron, we will try and save him, but he really needs his mommy. He might die. And if he doesn't die, he is going to get big and strong and fly away. He doesn't want him to ever leave us he said. We have him in a big box, Cameron has added flowers and green leaves. We feed him water thru a straw with dog food that has softened in the water. Last night we put him in the garage because it was going to be a lil cool. Today, there have been 2 birds in the back yard. I guess they are his mom & dad. They all just talk to each other. Not sure what's going to happen to this lil guy. He hasn't even opened his eyes yet, but our day has revolved around this lil visitor.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What's important to a 4yr old...

I'm behind on my posts. I keep meaning to post about Cameron's end of school program, summer fun, father's day and I know some other things too! This is going to be a quick one, it's just one of those things that I will probably forget or I won't remember how it happened, and I like to look back on some of these everyday things. :)

Today, I took Cameron to the park to meet some friends. We were there for about 20 minutes before Cameron broke down. His black Toyota went down the drain at Mulberry Park. My goodness, you would have thought something serious happened! I had to take Cameron to the car to get him settled down. It didn't work. At that point I was so mad at him. I couldn't believe he was so upset over a car! I told him it was ok to cry, but enough is enough. He had 4 friends there and all he could think about was his car (when he has 500 more at home)! He could not stop crying so we went home. He finally settled down and I could just tell he was just so heart broken. Then I thought how important his car was to him. I compared it to how upset I was when someone stole my purse. I cried too. All weekend long! I wanted it back too, but it wasn't coming back. So I finally understood where he was coming from. I had to remember he is only 4!

We eventually took a nap and he woke up feeling better, but still talking about what happened. We went to Michaels yesterday and bought a wooden bird house and some paint. So we worked on painting the bird house and he started to feel better. He is so proud of his birdhouse. At dinner his prayer was, "thank you for the birds that fly and thank you for the birds that die"???? Not sure where that came from, but it was cute.

So today I am thankful for my little boy. He teaches me something new everyday! He is just so sweet and innocent. Don't get me wrong, he can be a serious little stinker too, but he is sweet. Today at the park too, he said, "mommy, mommy, look at the butterfly". It's just the simple things in life that light up his eyes right now. :)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Museum - HOTWHEELS Exhibit!

We visited the new Hot Wheels exhibit at the Children's Museum and Cameron loves it! Good thing it is opened til January! We've been there twice so far and I think we might make a trip once a week during the summer to stay out of the heat some. Glad it is here for a while because I know Cameron will love every trip!


Goodbye to our house on Bramblewood!

We finally closed on our house on Bramblewood Lane at the end of May! It is such a relief to only take care of one house. We have lots of GREAT memories there, but we also love our new house and our new neighborhood too! It was a little sad saying goodbye for the last time and also not being right next door to the best neighbors EVER who have become our good friends. We will miss Chris, Steff, Ella & Big B so much!!! Although we went out to dinner with them this week and out for Orange Leaf and to the park this weekend, but it's still not the same to see them outside every night.

Cameron saying goodbye to his bedroom

Our realtor

Playing cars with little Ella

 Our favorite neighbors!


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