Sunday, December 30, 2012

Preschool Christmas Program 2012

Cameron's preschool class this year did a little play of the Nativity for their Christmas program. It also included singing songs in between. Cameron was a shepherd and his line was, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see the baby". He memorized it immediately. He also pretty much knew everyone else's line too. All the kids seemed to, it was funny! The play was really cute and all the kids did a great job! This was our last preschool Christmas program! :(
The 4 shepherds: Alex, Ethan, Cameron & Ethan E.

Ethan & Cameron!

Mrs. Morris and Cameron

Cameron, Ella and Addie

Lily, Ethan and Cameron

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus...

It's so hard to believe Christmas is just days away! Cameron had a visit with Santa at the toy store in Zionsville the day after Thanksgiving. It was a fun day! He made a very specific list (that he wrote himselft) that included a school bus, ambulance, a 4-door blue Honda Civic, white GMC Denali (just like Ethan's) and a Jeep. Santa was quick to say he may need to find a new job to fulfill his requests! I know how he feels! He was not afraid of Santa and they had a nice visit. A little later in the evening Santa came to downtown Zionsville for the lighting of the Christmas tree! He sang songs with the kids and lit the tree. It was pretty fun, but it was probably the coldest night of the year so we didn't stick around for long. But was definitely a memorable day. Grandma and Grandpa were with us too. Christmas sure is going to be fun this year!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Thanksgiving at school!

Today was "feast day" at school! Such a fun day for the kids! They have been discussing thankfulness. It's so cute to hear the things the kids are thankful for. They also learned about the Pilgrims and why they came to the new world and about the Native Americans and how they taught the Pilgrims how to live and grow food. The kids made Pilgrim and Native American hats for today!
I was excited to spend the day at school! The moms got to help the kids make corn muffins and pumpkin pies and just spend the day with them in the classroom! They also popped popcorn, told stories and sang beautiful songs.
"Swift Runner" (his Native American name)

Making corn muffins
Listening to stories

Feast for the kids!


Singing their little hearts out!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Halloween 2012

Halloween was lots of fun this year! Cameron was super excited! He had lots of surprises at his table when he woke up in the morning. He was a little too excited at school, just looking forward to his fun night. Our friends Lisa & Travis and their kiddos (Ethan, Lily and Jack) came over to go trick or treating. It was pretty cold out, so we were only out for about 30 minutes. But Cameron and Ethan really had fun handing out candy at the house and playing! It was a great night and everyone had a blast!!!
Ready for school!
So many choices!
 So cute!!!
 Cameron & Andy!
 Lily, Ethan & Cameron...ready to trick or treat!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A visit to IU!

Cameron and I went to visit Katie in Bloominton last week and we had so much fun! It was a beautiful fall day and he enjoyed all the girls and all the ATTENTION! He had fun knocking on everyones door, trying on silly hats at the bookstore, going to Chipotle & Jiffy Treat and just exploring picking up leaves and berries...Bloomington style!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Fall Fun!!!

Last weekend we went to the pumpkin patch. It was so nice outside and Cameron had lots of fun! He couldn't believe it when he found a GREEN pumpkin, his favorite color! He was able to pull the pumpkins on the wagon and everything! Hopefully we will be able to make it back one more time this year for a hayride and maybe another pumpkin!!!



Sunday, September 30, 2012

Goodbye to Cameron's Train Table...

I sold Cameron's train table! Little did I know I would tear up as it went out the door. We have SOOOO many memories around this table! Cameron practically learned to walk around it! I guess we are moving on to bigger, better things for this little guy! Here are a few pics from some good times around the table. :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Show & Tell

Cameron was the snack person at school today. The child that has snack day also gets to do show & tell...his FAVORITE!!! He decided to bring in his fish, Rainbow. I stayed to watch and he was so cute. Mrs. Morris asked lots of questions and Cameron did a good job answering them all.
He had fun shopping for his snacks too. He brought rainbow goldfish, bunny crackers and Vanilla Oreos with red & white stripes...YUM! The sad part of the day, Cameron got sent home early because he threw up in gym class. He was so sad when I went to pick him up. He wasn't sick, he was just running too much, coughing and one thing leads to another when that starts! He didn't get to pass out his snacks. :( His eyes were filled with tears when I picked him up, but he didn't cry. We went to Target got some cars and then to the cupcake shop. We were so excited Lisa was able to bring Ethan, Lily & Jack to meet us. His afternoon got better, but wish he was able to stay at school.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Fishing with Dad

Cameron and Lonnie went fishing this weekend in the neighborhood. Cameron had so much fun and he did a great job!!! He even held his fish! Luckily he caught lots of them. Otherwise I don't think he would have lasted very long. It's so fun to watch him!


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