Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fall fun

It seems like it was just summer time and now fall is just about over already! Cameron had his last soccer game last night. The kids had lots of fun. They got their pictures and trophies last night too. Cameron was so proud of his little team.

This morning I gave Cameron his Halloween surprises! He got a Halloween Thomas the train, some books & stickers. Today we took him to the Haunted House at the Children's Museum. He walked thru with Grandma. He enjoyed seeing all of the costumes & spooky Halloween stuff. Looking forward to enjoying the rest of our Halloween weekend!

Getting ready to go into the Haunted House

Cameron with his trophy!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Brownsburg Pumpkin Patch

We went to the pumpkin patch in Brownsburg last weekend...forgot to post pics! It was a great day! We went with our friends, Chris, Jake and their 3 boys. It was lots of fun! Another great fall day!
Cameron on the hay ride

All the boys climbing the straw tower!

Pumpkin bowling

Cute as a pumpkin!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Halloween Party!

Cameron had a little Halloween party today at Nolan's house. The kids were so cute! They had fun decorating pumpkins with some foam pieces and the boys had their costumes on just long enough for a couple of pictures. They had lots of fun! They even got pizza and special cookies, but Cameron did not have 1 bite of anything. He wasn't feeling the best today...poor guy!

A shark, a dragon & 2 fairies!

Ava, Caroline, Cameron & Nolan

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Another Soccer Game!

Cameron had another soccer game Friday night and I was able to get some better pics. He had the rest of his uniform and it was a nice evening so he wasn't layered like he was the first night. He is really enjoying it. They actually played a game this time. Cameron was so funny! He just likes to run with the other kids. He never had the ball because he doesn't want to take it away. I guess it kind of contradicts "sharing". I kept telling him to try and get the ball but he just kept chasing everyone else. But he did really well and he listened to everything the coach said to do. He is such a big kid. He is really proud to be a part of his little soccer team. :)
All dressed & ready to go!

Nice form!

Cameron and his teammate, Rory...planning their next move!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Happy 8th Birthday Andy!

Yesterday was Andy's Birthday! Cameron and I took him to Huddles and he had some doggy frozen yogurt. We picked out peanut butter/banana for him and he enjoyed every bit of it. Cameron also got to enjoy a special treat for "dee's" birthday. :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

1st Soccer Game

Cameron went to his first soccer game last Friday. It really wasn't a game at all, they did some drills, practiced running on a straight line, listening, took team pics, etc. It was a cold evening. I think it will be much nicer outside this Friday. Cameron's soccer shirt is a size small and it goes past his should see the soccer socks they gave him too. I think they would fit Lonnie. I think I might cut them and they will be more like leg warmers over his cleats. :)

Misc. pic from our last night in Florida of Cameron & Grandma RACING!


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