Tuesday, August 30, 2011

More school pics... :)

So today was Cameron's first (real) day of school. No orientation. No mommy. He did great. He gave me a hug and he asked me if I was going to cry. He walked right into his classroom without even looking back. What a big boy! Cameron's friend Addie was not in school today because her Dad is going to be having heart surgery this Friday, so she is staying with her grandparents. Keep her Daddy in your prayers!

Before school we also met some of his friends at the park. They had a great time playing together! My sweet little boy is taking an afternoon nap now.

Cameron and Mrs. Morris

So proud!
Hanging up his backpack!

Playing at the park!

Cameron sharing his cars...he has enough for the whole town!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

First day of school!

Cameron started preschool today! He is going to Traders Point Christian Church twice a week for 3 hours. I think he will love it! He is nervous, but he had lots of fun today. There are 10 kids in his class and he knows 2 of them! He is lucky to have 2 little familiar faces. Everyone there is super nice and they all give him so much attention! Today, the kids played for a bit upstairs, while the parents met with the teachers in the classroom. Cameron cried for about a minute they told me and then was fine. After our meeting, the kids got to come to their classroom and meet their teachers and play around. It was fun! They have lots of activities planned...even 2 field trips and a Christmas program! And they will have show and tell every Tuesday, I know this will be one of Cameron's favorites! Can't wait to see what he will want to bring!

My BIG boy!

Just the cutest lil guy!
Ok, I think I'm ready!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Silly things that I want to remember...

Haven't posted in a while, but have some random pictures in my camera worth sharing. :) Cameron continues to enjoy the summer and starts preschool next week. We have orientation this Thursday. He is kind of excited, but is also nervous. He will be fine...we will get through it together! :)

Silly "fishing hat" from kids night at Chick-fil-A

Lining up his cars...ever so perfectly!

Going for a ride with Daddy & Leda on the golf cart
Leda, WAIT! I don't have my car seat!
Going for a ride in Daddy's wagon


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