Thursday, July 28, 2011

My friend Sarah...

Cameron has come to dearly love Sarah, a friend and co-worker from Starbucks. She is very animated and lots of fun! Cameron asks to go see her all the time, he calls her "my Sarah". She makes him special lemonade at Starbucks and always has a special treat for him and even buys him cars! Anyway, she has this little boys heart! Ok, now for the sad part of the story, Sarah is moving to California and actually left earlier this week. Cameron is going to miss her dearly. Poor little guy. We all went out for ice cream last week and out for pizza this week with Sarah. Cameron of course had so much fun!

We will miss you Sarah, but we will be in touch! And of course we wish you the best of luck in California!!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ring bearer in training

My cousin Nicole is getting married in September and Cameron is the ring bearer. Her wedding shower was today and they got Cameron the cutest shirt...he is modeling it in the pictures! :) A big responsibility for a little 3 year old, but hopefully he will make it down the aisle. He has about 6 weeks to practice!

Nicole & Jeremy

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Great white shark!

We set up Cameron's pool in the back yard for a bit yesterday. It was so hot outside, but he thought the water was too cold...he is crazy! He needs to have everything just perfect....all the time. He still had fun. Looks like it is going to be another HOT week next week!

Caught watching TV on top of his train table...

What Mom? I'm just watching SpongeBob!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Birthday America!

Cameron had a great 4th of July! He was definitely into all of the festivities this year. We went to the festival and fireworks show at Lions Park in Zionsville. He had a blast! Playing at the park, drinking lemonade, singing, dancing and just being silly! We sat down at our spot about an hour before the fireworks and Cameron was so good. He actually put on a show! He was so excited, I swear he was dancing and bouncing around for an hour straight! He was too cute, we all enjoyed watching him!

A little too many apple juice boxes can make you silly!
Upside down Cameron
Dancing around
My sweet little boy
Cameron with Grandma (could he be any happier)?
Lots of love for mommy!
Love you Cameron!
All ready to go!
Sparklers at home!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Summer time fun at the park...

We've discovered a new favorite park...Mulberry park in Zionsville. It is right across the street from Cameron's friends house. We went there last year, but he really likes it now. We went 3 times last week. We were able to meet his friends Devon & Geddy on Monday, Logan, Jackson, and Tyson on Thursday and we also went on Saturday night and ran into Nolan there! They have a cool rock area with a stream of water. Cameron likes to bring his cars (imagine that) and play with them in the water. We some how were able to leave the house without cars the other night, and we had some rubber ducks in the car, so he played with the ducks instead. All was well until he put the duck in the stream of water that led to a drain....ooops! I told him the duck went down the drain like Nemo and he will swim and find his Daddy like seemed to work! But I'm sure the duck will be remembered everytime we see the drain.

Tyson, Jackson, Cameron & Logan Being boys
Playing in the splash pad

Summer time fun at home...

We have been enjoying the summer....even in the crazy summer heat! Cameron loves to swing and play outside. He has so much fun on his playset, in his pool and going around the block. He is getting so big! He also got a new motorcycle! :)


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