Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

We hope everyone has a very special Easter! Here are a few pics from our day. Andy was very protective over Cameron's Easter goodies. Not sure why, but he was very interested in it all and wouldn't leave it alone...he does like to chase bunnies! :)

A visit with Grandma & Grandpa

Cameron and I went to visit with Grandma and Grandpa for a couple of's always like a little vacation for Cameron. He had lots of fun and always hates to come home!

Cameron LOVES their Toyota!

Checking out all of the buttons

With Grandma at the park


Eating lunch in the swing


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tasting contest for Lemonade Day!

Lemonade Day is quickly approaching! Today was the big day to test our Lemonade recipe and to test out our stand. They had a special event for the kids at Garfield park. It was lots of fun. So many cute stands, cute kids and just lots of fun on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. There were judges that walked around and tasted the lemonade and checked out the stands. The event was from 2-5. It was a good thing that we were at a park because Cameron couldn't stay at his stand for long periods of time. :) But he had lots of fun running around. He was so cute, when the judges came around he would offer them candy, he would keep giving them more. I insisted I didn't tell him to do this. It was really funny! Cameron was by far the youngest participant, but he was a big boy and walked to the stage all alone to accept his certificate. Lonnie wanted me to walk up there with him but Cameron told me he could go up alone. I took so many cute pictures, it was hard to choose which ones to post, so there are a bunch!
Cameron's Lemonade & StandMommy & Cameron I'm ready!
Good stuff!
Sneaking a little treat!
Playing with a friend on the hill
Just hanging out
Pretty cool moves!
Cameron walking to the stage to get his certificate
Thank you Scott Jones!
Such a big boy!
So proud!

Catching some zzz's on the way home

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A beautiful day!

It was such a nice day today! Cameron spent most of the weekend outside. He loves being outside. We went for walks in the neighborhood, played in the water table, played on the swingset, played with the dogs...and also went for rides in Dad's Viper and riding lawn mower. We also picked lots of flowers...he loves dandelions. He wants us to pull over when we are driving to pick them! UGH! And once they are gone he will be ready to pick the berries off the trees! He hasn't found those yet, but he is looking! He is so silly!

Cameron in his garage (the upper part of the deck)!

Playing with cars in the grass Always happy around Dad's car
2 trouble makers
What a sweet little face!

Friday, April 8, 2011

A new friend

Tonight I caught Cameron on the floor talking to an ANT! He said, "Hi ant", "Where are you going"? "Do you want a special treat"? He then went to Andy's treat jar and pretended to give him a treat. He kept talking to this ant, it was so funny! It lasted at least five minutes! :)
Where is he going?

A day at the Children's Museum

Cameron has been going to the Children's Museum for almost 3 years now. It's funny how he used to just observe all of the activities and now he is able to take part in them all. He has so much fun there. I like to watch him interact with the other little kids too. Sometimes he can be as sweet as can be and other times he is NOT! I never know what he is going to do! He keeps me on my toes!
Playing in the sand

Catching some fish... Playing in the water
Racecar driver
Feeding the baby


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