Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

Cameron had his Christmas program at school on Tuesday, all the kids were adorable. They have been practicing for a few weeks and they did a great job. They sang their little hearts out. Cameron was so excited to sing and was so proud! They were all so animated and energetic. I will never forget his singing. Traders Point is such a great school for him. He loves the teachers and the kids and everything about his school. They have done so many fun things and taught him so much in just the few months he has been there. He has learned so much about the true meaning of Christmas. We are so glad Cameron is so happy there!

Getting ready to go on stage

You're up...SMILE!

Look at these expressions

Cameron & his buddy Addie (they are the cutest)

Saturday, December 3, 2011


We made gingerbread cookies with Cameron on Saturday night. He is at such a fun age. He was super excited and was a great little helper!

Dear Santa, I can explain...

Today was a big day for this little boy! I took Cameron to the museum to see Santa. We went to the new house and got some things done in the morning and stayed there for a while. I planned on giving Cameron a nap there, but was unsuccessful. I knew he was tired and would fall asleep in the car. So I thought the museum was a good idea! I had been putting it off since it is usually so busy this time of year, but today ended up being perfect. We got there around 3 and only had to wait about 10 min. to see Santa and then we played for bit until they closed at 5.

Cameron was such a big boy, he said he wasn't even nervous, but I think he was just a tad bit. But he did a great job with Santa. So proud of my little boy! He told Santa he wanted a John Deere and a big red Viper like Daddy's!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Cameron's 1st Christmas Program

Cameron had a Christmas program at church tonight. The kiddos were so cute! It was a little chaotic, but still cute. :) Cameron's group didn't have any kind of practice or anything, so they just all hopped on the stage. They did a pretty good job. Cameron is right in the center in the bottom row. He was only familiar with one song, so he did lots of dancing. But he stayed in his spot. Tonight was good practice for his program at school. That one is on the 13th, but we've been practicing for that one. Cameron liked being in the spotlight! :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Little Shepherds walking to Bethlehem

We were invited to Cameron's school today. The kids dressed up like shepherds walking to Bethlehem and they walked thru the halls to the nativity where they sang songs to baby Jesus and shouted, "we have good news, we have good news...Baby Jesus is born". They were all so cute! Looking forward to the Christmas programs. :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Our new house!

We closed on our new home in Zionsville, on Monday, November 14. We love going there, but haven't moved yet. Our home in Indy hasn't sold yet, so we are gradually moving in while our basement is being finished. Today, they hung the drywall, so it is coming along and we hope it will be finished in the next couple of weeks.

We usually go there during the day, Cameron really enjoys playing there. We tried taking a nap there one day, but that didn't work out so well. We were "camping" out on the floor in his room, but his eyes never closed! So far we have Cameron's play room set up, the couches & book shelves there....and lots of small stuff. We try and bring some things every day!

Our Living Room

Work in progress (basement)

The kitchen!

This was right after we closed

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Gingerbread Day at school!

It was gingerbread day at Cameron's school on Thursday. I stayed to help and it was so much fun! I think he will always remember this day! They started their day out and did their normal activities....then we made the cookies! We had so much fun! When the cookies were all decorated we put them in the oven and went back to the classroom. When it was time to go get the cookies, all the kids walked back to the kitchen and all the gingerbread men had RUN AWAY! You should have seen their faces! We walked around the church looking for clues. They were so cute! There were several clues along the way until we made it back to their classroom, where they were waiting at the table. The kids were really worried about the runaway gingerbread cookies. They were happy they were found and they got to enjoy their very own cookie that they decorated!

Cutest gingerbread man....EVER!

Painting a gingerbread man on the easel!


We think they are hiding in our classroom!

Here is a clue...sprinkles on the floor!

Going to find the cookies!

Where did they go?

Time to cook!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Cameron & Andy both dressed up as sharks this Halloween. They were the cutest little pair. It was such a nice night for trick-or-treating. Cameron had lots of fun. I think he asked just about every house if they gave him peanut butter, no "tricks" for this kiddo! He was too funny! If someone gave him peanut or peanut butter M&M's he would tell them he can't have peanut butter. If someone gave him something and he wasn't sure what it was, he would ask if it was peanut butter. He was too funny! He really enjoyed going door to door this year and also looking at all the costumes. He was a little scared with a few, but just kept his distance. We had lots of fun and of course took some great pictures!

Cameron & Ella

Cameron & Reagan


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