Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree...

Cameron loves his Christmas tree that we put up in his room! It is the perfect size for him and is decorated with fun ornaments like Lightning, Thomas, Handy Manny, Little einsteins and gingerbread scented ornaments. He loves taking the ornaments off and putting them back on and inspecting them. He knows that I tell him to leave the ornaments on the tree so he says "Daddy see this one" so he can take them off.

He is going to have so much fun this Christmas. He understands so much more this year. We are taking him to the Children's Museum on Friday morning for Santa's big arrival...he is going to love it!

Cameron with his undecorated proud!
Checking out the ornaments
He loves looking at the ornaments
Thomas carrying a xmas tree!

Cameron and all of his xmas friends!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

My sweet little boy is almost 3 years old!

Cameron is getting so big! He is changing so much and it's hard to believe some of the things he is doing because I still think he's a baby, but he is now becoming an independant little boy. He can pretty much say everything now, maybe not communicating in full sentences, but can surely get his point across. It's amazing how he quickly went from saying just a few words to saying so much, it happens so fast!

Here are some of my favorites things that he says and does:

* Nemo is "Neno"
* Lightning McQueen is "yitning"
* He loves Caillou...he used to call him "tattoo" and now he can say Caillou. He wants to do whatever Caillou does!
* He says "I wuv you mom" in the cutest, sweetest voice ever and "Be careful mommy"
* He knows I love coffee and he will be playing and he will pretend he is going out for coffee
* He is also starting to learn about working and how everything costs money. He will ask where Lonnie is during the day and I will say he is working so we will have money. And he will start saying "Cost money for cars, Cost money for smoothies, Cost money for coffee", etc., etc. It's funny!
* He loves going to the Children's Museum.
* He loves to be outside.
* He loves for his Grandma Lucy and Grandpa Kevin to come and visit and he is always such a ham when they are around!
* He adores his puppy, Andy, even though he isn't always nice to him.
* He prays before he eats and it is so cute to listen to what he is thankful for.
* He calls his Aunt Shannon, Aunt Shannon worm
* He loves his neighbors, especially Leda, Reed, Chris, Steff and Barkley!
* He loves apples and berries. Not eating them, but carrying them around. He stares at trees when we are driving or when we go anywhere, looking for berries and he has to pick some if he sees them.
* He continues to love all cars, trucks, trains and anything with wheels. He pretty much always has cars with him. We find them in all rooms of the house, in our cars, diaper bags, etc. They are everywhere. And he remembers all of them. He knows all of the cars from the Disney move cars by name. He also knows all of his Thomas trains by name too. It it too cute to watch him play.
* He still wants me in his room with him when he takes a nap and goes to bed at night. I used to have a hard time with this, but now I know that I should cherish this time with my little boy. I lay next to him and he wants me to rub his head, belly or back. He is very demanding. He definitely gets cuddly at bedtime.
* He loves Cheerios, chx, mashed potates, mac n cheese.
* His favorite snacks are still goldfish! But he also likes fruit snacks, pretzels and veggie straws.
* His favorite treat is still M&M's, but likes others now since Halloween! He likes Skittles now and says it is "gum". Not sure why, I guess because they are chewy.
* If I tell him he can't play outside because it is cold he says, "Coat and hat, mommy?"
* He loves Chick fil A, Applebee's & Subway!
* He loves going to Target. He likes to shop with Mommy, but he has to get an Icee too!

Cameron is really curious about Santa. He talks about him and understands that he is going to bring him toys. He wants to build a snowman. He wants to put up a Christmas tree. It is going to be such a fun Christmas! He is really going to get into it this year and I can't wait! I can't believe it is only about 6 weeks away. After Christmas his 3rd birthday will be right around the corner...oh how time flies!

One final day of apple picking!

Cameron and Nolan went to Stuckey farms on Friday for a final day of apple picking. There weren't many apples left to be picked, but they had fun running around and playing in the park area. They also enjoyed a apple cider slushie before going home. These boys love playing together and were so happy to see each other.

It was a beautiful week last week and it's supposed to be cold next week. I'm afraid we are going to be indoors now for a few months!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

2 Museums in 1 Day!

We took Cameron to the Eiteljorg Museum today for a new exhibit called "Jingle Rails". It was amazing! So many nice, detailed train layouts. Cameron liked it, but we didn't stay very long. A 2 year old doesn't understand that you can't touch things in a Museum like that. So then we were off to the Children's Museum where he had a usual!

Downtown Indianapolis


Cameron's favorite dinosaurs!

Mr. Poopy Pants

We had a little scare with Cameron on Thursday night. We put him to bed around 10ish and he could not go to sleep. He was tossing and turning for hours, trying to sleep and repeatedly saying owie and belly hurt. He was getting so mad, he wanted to sleep but something was seriously bothering him. I finally decided to call the Dr. I told them he seemed to be having some abdominal pain and that it had been going on for hours. They suggested that we take him to the ER since he wouldn't be able to be seen for at least another 8 hours. So off we went to the Children's hospital at 1:30 in the morning. He was really good...thought it was pretty cool that we were going some where in the middle of the night. He also seemed to be more comfortable when he was sitting up.

So we get to the hospital and they felt his belly and checked some other things and everything looked fine. They wanted to do an x-ray of his belly. This is when Cameron lost it. He liked the cool fishy room, but didn't like laying on the cold table and having a big machine come towards his little body. What did the x-ray show...that he was constipated! Cameron has never been constipated (that I knew about anyway)! They gave us some Miralax and we were on our way. We were glad that there was nothing seriously wrong with him. We were all exhausted. We got home just in enough time for Mom to get ready for work and leave and Cameron and Daddy went to sleep. What a long night! Now we will keep Miralax on hand in case that ever happens again!
Checking out his hospital band the next day

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sweet Dreams...

I just love taking pictures of this! Every night Cameron has to bring something to bed with him. Sometimes 1 car, 2 cars...and honestly sometimes 20 cars! Sometimes he has them lined up all along the track that is on each side of his bed, sometimese lined up on the edge of the mattress. But he always has a plan. Tonight he wouldn't let go of these 2 cars. Tossing, turning and still holding on...I had to take a picture!


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