Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bath time = FUN TIME!

Cameron enjoys taking a bath again! After a few months of only taking showers with Daddy, he has enjoyed taking a bath now for the last couple of weeks. He almost likes it little too much! He asks to take a bath 3-4 times a day! He plays with different toys and likes his bubbles. I found some dye free, fragrance free, dermatologist approved bubbles! We never used bubbles before because of his sensitive skin, but these don't seem to irritate him. He still has the same flare ups with his skin, but the bubbles didn't make it worse.

Here are a few pics of Cameron in the bath and one right before bed (with my laptop). Every night after he gets his PJ's on we watch episodes of Caillou on my laptop on youtube. Caillou is his new favorite. So if anyone knows where they sell any Caillou stuff let me know...Toys R Us doesn't even have anything. We did find a few new movies there, but we are waiting to open them for our trip next week!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ready to race!

Cameron wanted to clean his car today, so we wiped it down and rode it for a bit. I also cleaned out Lonnie's car and while I was shaking out the floor mats, Andy hopped in the passenger seat, Cameron was in the drivers seat and I thought both of them were just hanging out. I went to move the car and there were about 6 coins hanging out of the CD player. Luckily I was able to pull them out without any of them falling in! I'm not sure if he pushed any all the way through, but it still works for now!

I said, "Cameron, did you put money in Daddy's CD player"? He said, "Yes, mommy"! At least he didn't say no, mom! What a stinker!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Lonnie's birthday was last week...Cameron enjoyed it until we started singing. Not sure what it is but to this day Cameron does not enjoy the Happy Birthday song, he cries every time. He likes music, he likes to sing, I'm not sure what it is about this song. But anyway, Daddy had a nice birthday!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Colts vs. Giants....GO COLTS!

Cameron and Andy watching the game. Cameron was in his Colts gear all day, but took an early bath so he could watch some of the game and then be ready for bed. I took a couple of pics of the 2 of them sitting in Cameron's football chair and a pic of Cameron in his rain boots...he's been wanting to wear them this weekend. Too silly!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A little boy's dream

Cameron and I went to Toys R Us today and came home with a new Thomas the train toy box. Cameron is so proud of it! I thought it might be a little big because his room is on the smaller side, but it worked out great! We came home and him and I put it together and he played for a bit. The top of the toy box flips over and there is a track on it, so he had lots of fun with it, he actually wanted to keep it in his bed during his nap...Mom said NO.

He is a happy little boy!

Yes, I'm a little spoiled!
Here is my new toy box
The face I get when I say "smile"
Just happy!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fun at the Fall Festival!

It's crazy that we went to a "fall" festival this weekend! I can't believe summer is officially over! The festival started with a 9/11 Heroes parade, Cameron had so much fun! He especially loved everyone throwing candy at him. He was so good and so interested in everything! We left the parade a little early because Cameron started to get a little antsy after almost 2 hours. We headed over to the festival in the park. He couldn't believe that "his" park had been transformed into what appeared to be an amusement park! He played in a bounce house and rode a train! He looked so big...his first ride all alone. He loved it and didn't even look back. We went home around 2 for a nap and Cameron slept til almost 6. He was wiped out. I wanted to take him back to the festival to see the fireworks at 10pm. Lonnie wasn't thrilled, but we packed it up again around 8 and headed back out only to find out when we arrived that the fireworks were cancelled because it was too dry outside. So Cameron rode some of the rides, Daddy played some festival games and we played on the playground before heading back home for the night. I loved watching his face light up at everything. Needless to say he had such a fun day!

Patiently waiting for the parade to start

What's coming up next?

Another lollipop!
Pure joy!
Such a BIG boy!
More rides at night
This is great!
Winding down...
Getting tired...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Fun!

It was such a nice day outside today! I only worked for a couple of hours today and it was a nice relaxing day! We went to the park in the afternoon and Cameron touched his first frog. Good thing Daddy was there. Mom saw it, but dad picked it up so I could look at it and touch it.
This morning, I took Andy for a walk on the trails and I noticed the Goodyear blimp had landed at Eagle Creek Airport! I knew Cameron would love it. We took him over there and he thought it was the coolest. We went to Traders Joes, looked at it again on our way home and had lunch. We left a short while later and went back to show Daddy and it was gone...we saw it flying away. Cameron was so upset...he looked so sad and said "bleep" "bleep". But we saw it in the sky during our drive to the park and he eventually got over it. But he loved it! He has a little one from the move "Cars" so he thought it was pretty neat that he had small version. What a fun day!
Hi little froggie!
Yeah...I love the park!
Swinging...always a favorite!
Drinking a big Icee that Daddy bought me!
With grandma by the blimp
With mommy (see my lil' blimp from the "cars" movie)!
Bye blimp!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

A day at Conner Prairie

We took Cameron to Conner Prairie today. I had never been there before, we had lots of fun and now have a membership! It was such a beautiful day and Cameron had a great time. There is lots to do and see inside and out. It was too windy for the hot air balloon ride, but maybe next time!

Bumpin' up and down in the lil' red wagon
Working at the market
"What would you like mommy?"
Petting the baby chicks

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dirty...and clean

Cameron played outside most of the day today. We walked the trails behind the Colts complex this afternoon, took a nap, ate dinner and went back outside. He was so dirty today and looked like such a boy!
What a fun mess!

Andy, Cameron & I went to Starbucks after he was all cleaned up.

Cameron's coffee

Pretending to sleep

In his tent on his bed...good night Mom!


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