Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My little monkey!

The past couple of nights, Cameron has been putting his flashlight under his pillow and trying to keep it propped up like a little tent. So tonight, I helped him with his tent. I draped a sheet from end to end over the top of his bed. He thought it was the coolest thing ever. He went to sleep under his "tent" with 3 flash lights. What a little boy! I LOVE him and everyday is such an adventure!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Life in the FAST lane...Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to Daddy! I think Lonnie had a pretty memorable Father's Day! I had to work this morning, but him and Cameron went to church. Lonnie bought his Dad a "driving experience" at the track. He was able to drive a real Nascar and race around the track for 8 laps...WOW! He was really scared, but had a good time. Lonnie also went around the track, but did not drive, Lonnie was just a passenger in a real Nascar. He said it was amazing! Not something I would enjoy at all, but all of the guys that did it had no regrets! It was a beautiful day, a little hot, but nice. Cameron was such a good little boy, he didn't run around at all, just enjoyed being around all of the loud cars. What a boy!

Grandpa in his race car waving to all his fans!

What a race!

#1 Fan!

Cameron & his cousin Marky

Silly Daddy!

After Dad's wild ride!

Cameron & Uncle Jason

Dad & his boys

Happy Father's Day Dad!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A day at the zoo!

Cameron and I went to the zoo today. We met his friend Nolan and 2 of Nolan's girlfriends. The kiddos had fun. We saw the fish, sharks and dolphins; went on a train ride, played in the water area and had a snack/lunch before going home for a nap. It was a beautiful day today!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Picture Day!

I took Cameron to get his pictures taken for Father's Day. He had so much fun! I took in a laptop and some of Lonnie's things like glasses, shoes and a tie. Cameron had so much fun trying to look like Daddy!

I could only get these to save as small images, but hopefully you can still see how cute these are! :-) Not sure if this will work or not, but here is a link to all of the photos.... http://smilestore.picturepeople.com/PR3/ThumbPage.aspx?e=6773234


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