Monday, April 26, 2010

The results are in!

We took Cameron to his appt. today...they pricked him 21 times! :(

We talked to the Dr. for a while about the past year with Cameron. He said he is too young to test for pollen, he thought he was ok with food, so we didn't have any tests for food allergies...I'm not even sure what each prick was for, but basically he was pricked on his back and we had to wait 15 min. to see if he had any irritation. And he couldn't touch his back during this time (no itching or anything)! One spot in the lower right corner came back irritated...we re-did the test with just the one prick to make sure he didn't touch himself there because touching could have caused the irritation...still the same irritation. It was dog/cat dander. So Andy is the culprit! Cameron obviously has sensitive lungs, but we can control it with the breathing treatments. He said it is very common for kids to be on it for YEARS! Can you believe it...YEARS? Next month will mark 1 year for breathing treatments. He said that we should wait at least another year before we try to ween him off of breathing treatments. Once a day should do it, but as soon as he shows any sign of a cold, cough, etc. we need to add in another breathing medication and do 6 breathing treatments/day for 2 weeks. Any sign of a viral infection just sends him over the edge. It doesn't take much for a small cough to turn into something major (like pneumonia) because of his sensitive lungs.

I'm happy just knowing the cause and how to control it. It's also good to know that breathing treatments will stabilize everything and that it is just part of our routine...could be so much worse. No more trying to ween him off and wonder how he will just makes it harder on him. We've tried weening him off a few times and it always gets bad.
Phew...that was a long explanation, but I kind of use this blog for my notes too! I always refer back to it, especially for Dr. related stuff. :)
Cameron was so ready for a nap...he couldn't wait to get in his crib...what a sweet baby!

Also just got done reading the Dr.'s blog. Very interesting articles, it's also nice to hear that getting rid of your pet is not the answer. I don't think I would be able to get rid of Andy...if anything I think we would have to build him a new addition to the house! :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

NEW theme for Cameron's room...Lightning McQueen!

Surprised anyone? :)

The first new piece! I think I'm more excited than he is, but he was pretty excited about his new TV that I got him today. I'm going to order his new Lightning McQueen bed later this week. Not sure when we will set it up yet, but I have a feeling pretty soon. I'm really not looking forward to the transition...yet another sign he is growing up too fast! :(

Tomorrow is Cameron's long awaited appt. with the allergist...hopefully we will have some results by the end of the week! :)

Good morning sunshine!

Just a few pics from Cam waking up from his nap...from crabby to happy! :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bumpin' up & down in my little red wagon...

It was such a nice day today! We took Cameron to the circle downtown...we strolled around in his wagon, had lunch and ran around. He had so much fun...such a busy body taking it all in! It's about 3:30 and he just went down for a nap!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Cough, cough....cough

Our sweet little guy was sick again this WHOLE weekend. It started on Friday, worse on Saturday and just a little better on Sunday. Just a very persistent cough...I mean very persistent. I feel so bad for him. I hope it's just some sort of allergy from something that is floating around in the air right now. He tries to have fun through it all, but it's hard because he just doesn't understand. We thought he was doing better this morning and we went out for lunch...well, he started coughing so bad. I knew what was coming...I took him out of his high chair, sat him on my lap and all of his lunch came up...all over me! Of course we just got our food, then had to have it boxed up and then I dropped it in the garage when we got home! Never a dull moment here! :)

Lots of breathing treatments, trying different medicines (Steff, thx for telling us about Delsym), and just trying to keep Cameron happy, we still managed to have a fun weekend...we enjoyed eachother! I always have new trains and cars on hand for Cameron when he is having a bad day or is fighting us w/ breathing treatments, so needless to say he opened a few of those this weekend.

Andy was also sick this weekend...he had to go to the vet on Saturday morning because he was having severe ear pain. He couldn't open his mouth all the way and would squeal at just a slight touch to his ear. So Andy is also on medication and has to go back to the Dr. on Tuesday morning. What would my little boy and little puppy do without their mommy? Good thing I love taking care of them both, because they are high maintenance, but I wouldn't know what else to do with myself now. I wouldn't have it any other way!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter weekend

Cameron went to his first Easter egg hunt on Saturday. But he didn't even get one egg...the kids in his age group (2-3) were a little wild and he was too busy looking at everyone else, but he was ok with it. There was a 0-2 group also, maybe we should have taken him to this group...but he probably would have been the little bully of that group. :) Anyway, we all had fun and there was also an Easter bunny there (see pic).

The Easter bunny left Cameron a bunch of fun-filled eggs and a basket. The eggs were all over the stairs and his basket at the end of the stairs. He thought it was pretty fun having the eggs all around, but his favorite were his 2 new trains: Easter Thomas and Platinum Percy. After our Easter morning fun, we went to church, out to lunch and had family over for dinner.

Hope everyone had a nice Easter!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Butler is winning 47-43! Beat MSU! 3 min. to go!

YEAH BUTLER!!! Can't wait to see you win again on Monday night!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Busy little bee...

We have been taking advantage of the nice weather this has been perfect outside! Lots of sunshine! Yesterday we went to the park with Cameron's friend from music class, Nolan...of course they had a blast! Today we drove to Crawfordsville to spend the afternoon with my friend Chris and 2 of her 3 boys (Jackson and Tyson). We played outside, inside and had lunch before we headed home for an afternoon nap. Tomorrow Cameron has a date at the museum with a little girl, Aubrey. I see her mom at Starbucks every morning, but the kiddos haven't met. I'm sure it will be fun!

Saturday we plan on taking Cameron to an easter egg hunt at the park, hopefully it doesn't rain because I think he will get into it this year and have fun collecting the eggs. And Saturday night we will be watching the games and rooting for Butler!!!


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