Sunday, March 21, 2010

Weekend of "Heroes"

Cameron had another fun-filled weekend. Friday night we took him to a "Super-hero" party at Gymboree and out for pizza. He had a lot of fun playing and checking out all of the other superhero kids.

Sunday we took him to his very first movie at the theater...we saw "Thomas the train...Hero of the Rails". He was actually pretty good and we stayed for the entire movie. He sat most of the time but also played for a bit on the stairs. He thought the lights on the stairs were pretty neat.

We've had some really nice weather, but today (Sunday) it was a bit chilly outside. But we spent a lot of time outside on Friday and Saturday. Hopefully just one more day of cold before we get some warm weather again.

Ok, ready to start another week!

Friday, March 19, 2010


Yesterday was my birthday...what a day! It was so nice outside...we went to the park with my girlfriend and 2 of her boys. The boys played, had lunch and then we went home for a nap. Cameron and Lonnie took me to P.F. Changs for dinner and out to buy me a pretty necklace! Lonnie had gone out to buy a chocolate pie earlier in the day so we can put candles on it and sing happy birthday with Cameron. Cameron didn't really like the singing, but sure did like the chocolate pie!

Why are you singing, Dad?

What's going on Mom?

I'll take some more pie, please?
Andy trying to catch a little snack!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

It was a beautiful day here in Indy! Mom didn't have to work today (because I have to work Saturday), but that's ok. Cameron and I went to music class, went to the park, played outside and had a fun little photo shoot after his nap...he was being a little ham! His favorite part was putting sunglasses on his puppy, Andy. Wait til you see Andy's picture...what a good dog to let us torture him like that. :)

Enjoy the funny pics from our day!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

On the move!

Cameron was able to spend some time outside this week and as always he loved it! He's a little busy body and still enjoys his walks around the neighborhood with his little push car. It's been a little chilly (and rainy) over the weekend, so we stayed inside.

My mom came to visit for a few days last week. Thanks for the little breaks mom...and Cameron always enjoys her company too! He seems to get whatever he wants when she is around just by using the sign language that she taught him. He's consistently saying (or signing I guess) 'please' or 'more'. Sometimes you can't resist but to give in to him.

This week Cameron has come up with a new, very unique laugh. I can't even describe it. I will try and post a video of it...I bought a "Flip" for xmas but still haven't used it on the blog! Anyway, his laugh is hilarious! He definitely makes some heads turn when we are out in public and people hear him!

He continues to love Lightning Mcqueen (and the gang) and Thomas (and other engines). He's also enjoys hanging out in his tents and tunnels. A new favorite is Nemo! He enjoys the movie and enjoys playing with his stuffed fishy friends. He seems to bring Nemo and Dori along where ever we go!

Still taking's gotten a little better. Our new routine consists of the following scenario:
Mom: Cameron, are you ready to take your medicine?
Cam: M, M, M, M (M&M's)
We then go get a bowl and put just a few M&M's in it and he sits on my lap and takes his medicine. I have to dissolve a tablet in a syringe and release it in his mouth. Don't get me wrong, we still fight everytime, but having a bowl of M&M's nearby definitely makes my life a little easier!

Nap time and bed time are still a bit rough, but we are getting through it. I still have to stay in the room for quite some time until he goes to sleep, but the crying has subsided a bit. Hopefully he will continue to get better with this too.

We did not have to go see any doctors last week...YEAH CAMERON! We have an appt. to see an allergist on 4/26, hopefully we won't have any visits before that! His skin has improved a lot and we haven't done any breathing treatments since last Sunday.

Looking forward to another fun week with my baby as we celebrate St. Patrick's Day on Wednesday and Mommy's Bday on Thursday. :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cameron in 40 years

These pics were not planned...just 2 pics that I found of these 2 look alikes!

Spring is in the Air!

Today we got the first taste of spring...I think the temp. was around 50 this afternoon! We took Cameron to his favorite park. He had fun running around and exploring. I was surprised he didn't want to swing or play on the gyms much, he was just having fun running around. I have a feeling he's going to be wild this summer...but I'm sure we will have lots of fun, I can't wait!

I haven't posted in a while...our days have been pretty uneventful. Cameron has been keeping me busy with Dr.'s appt.'s and sleeping difficulties! He went to the ear dr. last week - hopefully we resolved his ear issues and was prescribed Prevacid last week also for what we hope is just GERD. He has to take it for 8 weeks and hopefully it will resolve itself, if not we have to go to another specialist. As far as sleeping, I'm not sure what happened, but Cameron now freaks out when I leave the room when I put him down for a nap or bedtime. So I lay next to him on the floor and rub his leg. It's really pretty pathetic how he has me wrapped around his finger! He will slam his legs on the crib, stick them through the rails, etc. until I give in. I'm not sure how we are going to break this one. I tried today and he got so worked up that I had to take him out of his crib and rock him and I held him for 2 hours while he slept. Each time I attempted to put him down he would wake up. I really wanted him to sleep because he was such a crab, so I just held him, but I know I shouldn't be doing this. So I guess he got rid of his paci but now he needs his mommy instead. So I've been really tired. The nap time doesn't bother me as much because I usually need a nap too and I'll fall asleep, but I just don't get anything done anymore! Last week, I was in his room until 11 for 2 or 3 nights. By 11 I'm so exhausted and I have to get up at 4 the next morning. I don't see it getting better any time soon since he will be transitioning into a bed, but maybe he'll do better than I think. We want to keep him in his crib for as long as possible, but he's started stacking his pillow, his lightning mcqueen pillow and whatever else he has to have in his crib that day, and then stands on it all and climbs like a little monkey. So hopefully he doesn't climb out, but that's usually when it's time to switch to a bed! Mom is not ready for that!

Looking for Nemo

Snow on the ground...hopefully the last of it for the season!

Hmmm...should I do this?


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