Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cameron...well, being Cameron at his 2 yr. appt.

I don't know why, but I love this picture! It's not the best quality because I took it with my phone. We were just hanging out waiting for the Dr. to come in.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

No more paci!

Well, our paci days are over! I'm not sure what happened, but Cameron has quit cold turkey! We had his 2 year dr. appt. last Thursday, 2/4 and I remember him sucking on his paci that day. Friday, he started having ear pain and didn't take his paci at all that day. I thought, well last time his ears were bothering him, he didn't take his paci, I assumed the sucking caused pain. Well last time it only lasted a day and he would still try to suck on his paci, but would get irritated. I really think his ears were bothering him last week, but he seems to be doing better. However, he now just laughs at his paci's as if he never even liked them. I can't believe it! It makes me a little bit sad, just because it is another phase that Cameron has outgrown, another sign that he is becoming a big boy. But at the same time, I'm happy that it was easy! The dentist had told us we should try to ween him off at 2...well it was pretty much to the day!

So no more stocking his paci bowl at night, or restocking in the morning. Now I just go in look at my big boy as he snoozes away without it. I'm so proud of you Cameron.

Just a few paci pics to look back on...I love you Cameron!

Monday, February 8, 2010

2nd Birthday Bash!

Cameron had his birthday party at Gymboree this past weekend, all the kids had so much fun! Cameron absolutely loved it! He loved all the kids being there, all the activities, all the attention...he was just so happy! There was an instructor who led all the activites, which were all great! There was lots of music and the kids were all very entertaining too! The best part was a big parachute at the end. The kids played on the parachute, under the parachute, blew bubbles...lots of fun was had by all the kids (and adults too)!

Thanks to everyone for making Cameron's 2nd birthday a memorable one! Here are a few pics of the birthday party.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Happy 2nd birthday to you sweet Cameron! Mommy and Daddy have enjoyed every second of the past 2 years...there is never a dull moment with you around. You bring so much happiness, laughter, fun, love...I can go on and on, but you get the picture sweetie pie! You are the greatest!
Mommy loves spending every single day with you! I work every morning and I get to come home to my little boy anxiously awaiting to see me everyday. I'm just as excited to see you as you are to see me! I love coming home to hear you say "mom, mom, mom" and watch you dance around when you see me. And I love bringing you your morning smoothie (a new habit, Cameron and I share a smoothie every morning from Starbucks). I love taking our late morning outings, whether it be shopping, the museum, music class or whatever, we always go somewhere before lunch and nap time and I have so much fun with you!
We hope you have a great 2nd birthday and look forward to many more memorable birthdays!

We love you Cameron Alexander!
Mommy & Daddy

Just a few pictures from 2/2/10!
Playing "cars"

Getting tired!

Taking a nap...

Cameron at Chuck E Cheese



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