Sunday, January 31, 2010

It was another COLD week in Indy!

We can't wait until spring! I know it will be here before we know it, because time goes by so fast! Cameron will be 2 on Tuesday...I can't believe it!!! We've been trying to keep busy, but can't wait for some nicer weather so we can get outside. It was kind of a mellow week. Took some trips to Target, music class, museum, nothing major. This upcoming week we seem to have something to do everyday...just little things. Hair appt., 2-year check up (and shots), music class, birthday fun, getting ready for the little guys party on Saturday...and the SUPERBOWL! Here are some pics from our trip to the museum this week

Look at the size of this train!
A little scared of all the sounds in Dinosphere
In the Construction Zone

Cameron is growing up so fast and he is so much fun! He is such a little ham. He continues to obsess over Lightning McQueen and all of the other cars. I was so excited to see a posting on Craigslist of many "cars" no longer sold in stores. The person selling the cars brought them over on Saturday for us to look at and Cameron was in la-la land! He couldn't believe it! He looked so grown up. Picking each package up and inspecting each one and looking at EVERY detail and then he would move on to the next. I was only planning on buying 4 or 5, but we ended up with 16 new cars! HAPPY BIRTHDAY little boy! We only opened one so far, but I know we will get lots of play out of each car...he absolutely loves them all. Hope everyone had a good weekend!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

COLTS pre-game power nap!

Cameron is getting ready to cheer on the Colts to their next win! We took an early nap and we are going to watch the game with friends (at their house). It will be a fun day to watch the Colts win and the next game will be the Superbowl! GO COLTS!!

Getting comfortable before my nap...I feel so secure with all of my paci's!

Looks like a tough guy...but nothing to be afraid of, just a little guy! :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Growing up SO fast!

Cameron has been a little busy body at home. We are ready for spring so we can spend some time outdoors again. He is really starting to act like a little boy now, and less of a baby. I can't believe it...he will be 2 next month. Where did the time go? Cameron has started talking a lot more, still just saying single words, but he says a lot and understands pretty much everything. He also has started being much nicer to his dog Andy, they are pretty good friends now and enjoy eachother's company. :-)

Cameron completed another semester of Kindermusik and we start another semester the week after next. Hopefully he will start to listen a little more next semester. He did really good his first year (when he wasn't walking) and when we started this year he is just all over the place during class, he's just so excited and likes attention! But they said it's normal at his age.

He continues to be in love with Lightening McQueen and all of the other cars from the movie. I think we pretty much have every car now. His face just lights up when he sees those cars, it's so cute. He's also started to really like Nemo too, so that's a new favorite.

Cameron's grandma came to visit over the weekend, he always has lots of fun when she is here. We tried to get out and do some shopping while she was here, she went back home this afternoon while Cameron was napping. :( Lonnie and I also got to go out Saturday night while she was here...what a treat, a night out to watch the Colts WIN!
Ok, time for Cameron to take a bath and call it a night! He really enjoys going to bed. He loves changing his pillow cases and cuddling with his pillow at night and just playing in his crib before bed. It's so nice to be able to just set him in his crib and watch him play and put himself to sleep, he's such a good boy!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

We got a lot of snow here today in Indianapolis! We went outside for just a bit so Cameron could play in it, but it was REALLY cold and a little too deep for such a little guy! But it was fun to see him touch it, walk in it, fall in it and just be in it for the first time. He had fun, but got frustrated because he kept falling over. Then he would get snow all over his mittens and then rub his face...then he would get mad because the snow got in his face. So we were only out for about 15 minutes, but had lots of fun. Cameron also got lots of giggles just watching Andy run around. Andy also loves being in the snow. Hopefully it will get just a little warmer so we can go out again and play before it all melts.

Touching the snow for the first time

Walking with Andy...what a pair!

Oh no...this is really cold mommy!

This is fun!

Andy playing in the back yard on the deck.

Great American Train Expo!

Cameron is a big fan of trains, so we thought we'd take him to the Train expo this past weekend. He had fun looking at all the different layouts and playing with other kids at the train table. We also were able to get several of the wooden Thomas trains that I haven't seen in stores. It's always fun to get the one of a kind trains!


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