Thursday, December 31, 2009


Just a few more hours left this year...WOW, it went by fast! Cameron's first full year of life and what a blast we had. So many fun memories! Tonight we took Cameron out to Ruth's Chris for a nice dinner. He was such a good boy. He watched "Cars" and played with his cars while we enjoyed our dinner. He also enjoyed some mashed potatoes, yogurt and applesauce...and of course some mini M&M's for dessert!

For some reason he was WILD when we got here are some pics of our night. Unfortunately, we won't make it til midnight. It's 7:30 and we are already tired and I have to work early tomorrow.

Have a safe and Happy New Year!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Sweet dreams baby!

Cameron has enjoyed bedtime for quite some time now. Although, what's not to like? Cameron has cool pillow cases now that he looks forward to cuddling with, he has a twilight turtle that puts stars on the walls, a projector that rotates with different scenes, bedtime music and a sound machine. WOW...what a lucky little guy!

Once we get him ready for bed, he "stocks" his crib with different toys, cars and books. He plays for about 20-30 minutes every night before falling asleep. It is the cutest thing to watch him play by himself through his video monitor. It's his way of winding down. Well, the past couple of nights when I go to check on him before I go to sleep he has his cars that he puts in his crib lined up along his crib rail. It is so CUTE! He likes to wake up to his cars too. We are lucky that he likes to go to sleep at long as we are at home, it's not as easy if we are spending the night away from home. His bedtime routine is quite time consuming, but we have fun getting him ready for bed and watching him be silly.

So I couldn't resist taking a few pics of this, just another memory of this growing little boy!

Friday, December 25, 2009


Merry Christmas to everyone! Cameron had so much fun waking up to Lightning McQueen in front of the tree. Here are just a few pics from our X-mas morning...we will share more later.
Santa has just arrived and look what he left Cameron!
Love at first sight!

Climbing this really Lightning McQueen?

More "Cars"...the Holiday collection
Sharing holiday cars with our sick puppy...DeeDee

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Visit with Grandma

Cameron's grandma came to visit from Wednesday-Saturday. He always has fun having someone else around to play with and boss around! It's always nice having someone else around because there is always something going on here! Andy, hasn't been feeling good. He went to get his teeth cleaned on Thursday and was there all day since they had to sedate him. Even though he had his teeth cleaned 8 months ago, they looked bad again and said there may be some type of infection that is from his teeth. So he seems to be doing better, but is on ear medicine for a month. Then, Cameron had a fever on Wednesday and Thursday. I wasn't going to take him to the Dr. because we are there every week, but we showed up there on Friday at 4 without an appt. hoping to be seen because he was having a bad afternoon and very little sleep. Something was going on....and I would rather he see his Dr. than go to the immediate care over the weekend. So we suspected an ear infection, the Dr. could not see in his little ears because he had a lot of build-up. So we had to hold him down while he tried to scrape some out so he could see his ear drum. Didn't work. So we're not sure if he has an ear infection, but we are treating him for one since they couldn't see and he had the symptoms of an ear infection. And we are going to go to an Ear, Nose and Throat dr. in about a month to take care of his ears. I guess they have some type of instrument that easily cleans the ears when babies have small ear canals. And there is no explanation for the build-up, just something that happens sometimes. They don't suggest cleaning the ears with q-tips or anything else, but he has some medicine to help loosen it up. Hopefully this is just a one-time thing and won't be needed again. We have seen enough specialists!

So we've spent lots of time taking care of "ears" between Andy and Cameron. It's funny because Cameron always sees me cleaning Andy's ears, and last night after I got Cameron's new prescription for his ears he saw the long white tip on the bottle and said "Dee-Dee" for Andy because he thought I was getting ready to clean Andy's ears. He didn't know it was now HIS turn! Cameron and Andy both seem to be HAPPY today and feeling better! Hopefully, in 2010 there will be a lot less Dr. visits!
Cameron checking-up on Andy to make sure he feels ok.Sharing "Cars" with Andy
Playing with Grandma
Grandma's favorite Xmas present...a picture of Cameron!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Here comes Santa Claus...

Today we took Cameron to the Museum to see Santa (again). Like the new Santa outfit? Mom stood in line while Cam and Daddy played nearby. When it was our turn, I had a small dish of M&M's that I gave Cameron once he was sitting on Santa's lap. It worked! It really helped that he didn't have to sit in the stroller and wait in line too. He wasn't that excited to see Santa, but we had to get a picture for 2009 and we had lots of fun afterwards too! Lots of fun at the museum with mommy and daddy, then we went to PF Changs for lunch, then home for a nap. Here are some pics from our day...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day at the Museum

Cameron and I went to the Children's Museum today to visit Santa. We stood in line and sat on his lap, but Cameron wasn't happy...even with M&M's. So we didn't get a picture today, but we will try one more time before Christmas. But we still had a fun day! Cameron had lots of fun playing in the construction area today. Spent lots of time pushing around a wheelbarrow and loading and unloading rocks (they are foamy rocks that look real). He also had fun playing with a mini hoola-hoop! What a fun day! It is almost 5 p.m. and he is still sleeping. So I guess he wore himself out today, because little Cameron is not known to take very long naps! I'm ready for round 2 with Cameron today! :-)

Enjoying a Jell-o Pudding Pop...mmmmmmm!

Disney on Ice!

We took Cameron to the Disney on Ice show last week. Well, we won't be going to see another show for awhile. Maybe we'll start again at age 3. We had taken him to Playhouse Disney and Sesame Street a while back and it was fun, but he is a little more "active" now. He had fun, but wanted to also run around and go up and down the stairs. We left at intermission. We really tried to stay, but he was getting upset because we wouldn't let him play on the stairs. At one point, he kept asking for a drink. I sent Lonnie and Cameron to get a drink. Lonnie comes back with this extravagant $12 snow cone that was already dripping all over the place before he could even sit down! Cameron didn't even want it, so I went and dumped it down the sink. Oh well! Lesson learned. We still had a good time, but we were all exhausted by the end of the night. Enjoy the pics!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Cameron's test results came back NORMAL! Thank God! He was really good for his test yesterday. It was about a 45 min. process, the worst part was having to sit still for 5 minutes while an electrode was attached to his arm. The electrode provided a mild current to his arm that triggered the area to sweat for the next 30 minutes. Pretty simple process. The hardest part was waiting, but what a relief!


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