Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dr. Update...& Cameron was in the paper!

We went to the Dr. on Tuesday and we're going to continue with breathing treatments for another 6 months to get thru the winter. The Dr. said that this is the hardest time of year for kids with sensitive skin and lungs and he will need it. We are going to continue with the nightly doses of the preventitive medicine in the nebulizer. He said there may be days we need the other medicine for "immediate" relief, but hopefully we will be ok with just the one. After 6 months we will slowly try and ween him off again and see how he responds. The Dr. also said that Cameron should also really get the H1N1 vaccine when it is available...I was kind of hesitant, but if he gets it, it could be severe since he falls into one of the "high-risk" groups. So we didn't get the shot yet, we have to keep calling every week to see when it is in. So that's the Dr. update...we'll just need to invest in some more BOOKS! Cameron knows that it's time to read when his little mask comes out. He's a little trooper!

I checked the today and found a gallery of pics from the festival we went to last Sunday. I couldn't post the whole gallery, but was able to copy this picture of us picking out a pumpkin. Too cute!

Cameron Miller, 1, has the help of his mother, Cloe Miller, Indianapolis, while picking out a pumpkin. Zionsville turned out for the Hayrides and Pumpkins Day at Lions Park Sunday afternoon. (Doug McSchooler/for The Star)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The CUTEST pumpkin in the patch!

Well, there is never a dull moment when little Cameron is around! It's been a little bit of a bumpy week for us. It started out good...last Sunday we spent the afternoon at the park and on Monday I took him to the zoo and also had a great time. I think it was later in the day on Monday that he really started coughing NON-STOP! I called the Dr. and was told to start the breathing treatments again. :( We started them back up immediately (a few times a day at just before bedtime). I think his medicine finally started to kick in around Thursday. It was making me nervous because it's hard to tell if his coughing is from asthma, the flu, or something else. So we moved his follow-up appt. up to this Tuesday to discuss our new treatment plan. I also want to see if we can get him tested for allergies to see what his "triggers" are (Andy, dust, weather, etc.). So we'll update after our appt. on Tuesday. We stayed in most of the week, which was hard because we had some nice days. But we were trying to wait to get out for the weekend and didn't want to over do it!
Having a snack and watching his FAVORITE movie!

Hanging out in the backyard for a bit

We had plans on Saturday to go to the pumpkin patch with my friend Chris and her 3 boys. We met at the Country Market in Zionsville around 11 and the weather was very cold and rainy! We were so bummed. But we all bundled up and headed out anyway. We went for a hayride, picked a little pumpkin, looked at the animals, went swinging, got all dirty in the mud, etc. Honestly, Cameron was pretty miserable most of the time. It was just cold and wet! So we didn't really get to all hang out as planned, but we were all troopers and we still created some great memories! We left around 1 and went to have lunch and then headed home for an afternoon nap.

Zionsville Country Market
Sunday we went shopping at the outlets in was a perfect day! We actually started our Christmas shopping! Sounds early, right? Not really! We were there until about 1:30. Cameron napped for about 30 minutes on the way home and then him and I headed to Lions park in Zionsville for a Pumpkin Festival. It was just too nice outside to miss this one! He had a blast! He even entered the costume contest, but he didn't win. But he had fun playing in the park, roasting marshmallows, eating his first ice cream sandwich and picking out another pumpkin! We have 7 pumpkins now! Someone from the Indpls. Star took several pics of me and Cameron looking for the perfect pumpkin. He took all of our information and said to look in the paper on 10/29, so we'll see if Cameron is in the paper on Thursday.

So we had another great weekend full of memories. Cameron was exhausted and in bed by 7 tonight. He is such a sweet little guy. Tomorrow will start another busy week for us, but we look forward to it all! Have a good week!

My first ice cream sandwich...YUMMY!
Getting ready for the costume contest. How do I look Mom?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Cameron had a fun-filled weekend! We took him to the Haunted House at the Children's Museum on Saturday. He wore his little Spider costume and loved it! He loved all the attention from being dressed up. I personally think he was too young for the Haunted House, but we still had a great time. It wasn't scary or anything, just really structured and he couldn't run around. I thought it would be a little different since it was for kids, but you just walk through it and you're done. But it was fun seeing all the little kiddos in their cute little costumes.

We also spent a few hours in Brown County visiting with family. It was a very cold afternoon, but we still had fun!

It was much nicer outside on Sunday. I took Cameron to the might be our last trip of the year. :( We hadn't been there in a while and he had a BLAST! He loves the park! It's so fun to watch him there because he is so excited about everything!

Oh, we also went to a trial gymnastics class on Friday, boy was that exhausting! I think Cameron is way too young, even though they said the class starts at 16 months...Cameron is 20 months now. Maybe if I thought he was going to be a gymnast, but we won't be signing up for now. Maybe at 3 or 4. They were swinging from bars, rings, jumping on the trampoline, etc. I thought it would be a little more "basic" for the little guys. He had fun, but isn't at the age where he wants to listen. He just wanted to explore and do his own thing. I know it was his first class and it would probably get better, but he was also by far the youngest in the class. So I'm glad we did the trial before signing up.

Here are some pics that I had to share! I've been taking lots of pictures lately! Lots of milestones and events! And I love looking back on it all...I can't believe how big Cameron is getting. He is so much FUN!

Look at all my arms!
So CUTE even from behind!

My Halloween PJ's (they even glow in the dark)!

FUN at the park!
Definitely a FALL day in the Midwest!
Brown County with Dad

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

OUCH! My first canker sore!

So the past few days, Cameron has been a little whiny and has been sticking his fingers in his mouth and rubbing his nose/mouth really hard with his fist. Well, I thought those teeth that have been slow coming in on the right side must have finally started to pop through. WRONG! I was finally able to get a glimpse in his mouth today and noticed it was really red under his tongue. I only got to peak for a split second. After I practically laid across his chest holding his arms down I got a better look and saw a canker sore under his tongue. I couldn't believe it! I didn't know that babies got canker sores! I get them a lot, I always have. I think they run in my family. Lonnie never has had one. I called the Dr. just to make sure it didn't mean that it was a sign that something else might be following. They said it is normal and he'd be fine after a few days...easy for them to say! He was so fussy today! He was ok in the morning and at music class, but at nap time he lost it...he never went to sleep, just cried and cried and cried. Finally, I went in his room and held him and he slept in my arms for a bit. So he didn't have a nap today. We put some orajel on his sore before bed, he hated it, but got over it in a few minutes...he couldn't feel his tongue. He eventually put himself to sleep like normal with no crying, let's hope for a quiet night for everyone.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Baby it's cold outside....(and wet)!

The weather in Indy this past week was RAINY and COLD! The rain finally ended this weekend, but still a little chilly. I had to get creative with things to do with Cameron that involved being inside! We managed to get by. We went to the museum a couple of days this week, the library, music class and out to lunch with mom and I think we actually stayed home one whole afternoon on a day that Lonnie was working out of town!
On Saturday, I went to a wedding with some friends and Lonnie took Cameron to the pumpkin patch. He said they both had a great time! He got to pick out his own baby pumpkins. I already bought big pumpkins that Cameron tries to pick up, so now he has a few that he picked out and can pick up and carry around. It was also fairly nice out on Sunday. We woke up went to church and out to lunch. We got home and Cameron played outside before his nap. He also went back out for a bit after his nap too.
It's been a pretty uneventful week. Cameron did have an eczema flare up this week that got pretty bad for a couple of days, but he got another prescription and it seems to have helped. You can still see his bad spots, but they are now scabbed over and healing. So hopefully it's under control again. It makes him so sad when he's so itchy, he doesn't understand whats' going on...poor little guy!
Playing with the rocks in the "ScienceWorks" area at the museum

In the tunnel in "Playscape" at the museum.

Tired baby in his crib, ready for a nap!

Cameron being silly wearing Mommy's headband. What a cutie!

I love you little Cameron!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday Morning Blues...

Well, today was off to a rocky start. I had a bad day at work. I got home and Lonnie was out running errands with Cameron...they got home just a few minutes after I did. Lonnie said Cameron was screaming at the top of his lungs at the post office because he wanted to run around. He didn't even have shoes on because he just thought they would be quick. HA! Nothing can be quick when Cameron is with you! Ever since he started walking, that's what he wants to do when you get somewhere...WALK with you! Well, my head was throbbing and I thought what should we do today? Oh, how I wish I just had a little bit to unwind, but everyday I have to switch gears from being a barista to being a Mommy! Work isn't as stressful as it used to be as an acct. exec., but it definitely has it's moments just like any other job out there!

Anyway, I had to get out of the house! I decided to take Cameron to the Children's Museum, again. We were just there yesterday, but he has such a good time there and usually takes a good nap. So we get there and there is always someone at the entrance just waving HELLO. Today, he asked me to roll my window down and I'm thinking what the heck, I have no desire to talk to you right now! He asked if I knew they were closed. WHAT! CLOSED??? But we were already there, I had my day planned! He informed me they close every Monday for a few months starting on Labor Day! He suggested a day at the zoo, but I didn't have a coat or hat for Cameron and it was a little chilly. After some quick thinking, we ended up at the Library downtown. We only have a limited amount of time to do something after I get home from work and before his nap. He usually takes a nap around 1 or 2. Of course Cameron started crying when we pulled out of the parking lot of the museum, but he had fun at the library too!

Enjoy the pics!

Playing with the gears (just like at the museum)!

Catch me Mommy!

Had to strap him in his stroller to read a few books!

Let's hope this afternoon is better than this morning! More later...


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